When we were kids u know how we used to dream of building those super sonic jets and huge buildings and dreaming of having the fastest cars and so on. A lot of us dreamed of becoming engineers and doctors as well. That time we used to want that to help out the poor and help making the world a better place.
But once we grow up I guess the sense of that is lost. We start thinking on a different playing field. We start realizing that money plays a very important part. But how important is money. A lot of believe it’s the most essential commodity to have and without it we would be nobody. I guess that is true to an extent. Some of us get blinded with the thought of money and forget our initial start and how we wanted to go about it.
First we used to work cause we were passionate about it then the passion is transformed in to a money making machine. Where one works to earn more and more money and nothing else really matters. We put in more and more hours of work and by the time u know it the very people u earn for are the very people u spend less time with. Its strange u know I mean one way u have to work hard and earn enough money but on the other hand is it not important to be with your family. Its more I think to do with discipline where one has to keep enough time on hand to spend with the very people who have made him what he is today.
Work is important to everyone. Money more so. But what is life without any passion. What is work without any passion? And what is life without family and friends? Does money rule our lives? Where every action of ours is ruled with a prospect of money?
Why do we make work our life when work s just the means of living life whereas family and friends are life. How many of us spend more time with family n friends and less time with work?
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