Today I have decided to pick on a topic that I have quite a lot of knowledge about. In my 23 years I have seen this happen to a lot of people and me alike. U know relationships are pretty complex or shall I say we make them a lot more complicated than what they were ever supposed to be. People come into your life and they also leave at a given point in time. I have realized a lot of us have relationships where someone has come into our lives and left us after sometime without any warning. Its almost like they are on contract basis do what they have to do and then they leave. It seems to me that a lot of our relationships are artificial and that we take to them and make more out of what really is there. Don’t u think sometimes we make a person feel a lot more important than they ought to be. U know when u in a relationship say love for example u tell each other u are my life and I cant do without u and all. And then when the time comes to stand up for what u promised the fizz is all gone the roaring tiger becomes a meowing cat. Its almost as if we work on our convenience. We all have our personal agendas and we stick to it. We don’t really realize how empty those promises are till we don’t go through this phase. U know whenever one is in a tight spot there are 2 ways to go. The easy way and the hard way. Easy way is to do the practical thing and listen to your head. The hard way is to do what may not be practical and maybe against a lot of the majority and listen to your heart and doing that. We as human beings take the easy way out. Its our tendency its like why should we take the hard way out of this. Everybody hates to struggle everyone is looking at the luxurious option rather than the sweating it our option. Then after all that is done we sit and tell each other yeah if destiny wants it we shall be together n blah. Its all crap cause in the end its up to u what u really want and how u want to go about it. Remember destiny may be pre written but that should not hold us back from doing what we want. Cause in the end we are the ones making the major decisions on the floor and not god up there in heaven.
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