Life is easier when u can point fingers at others. Don’t u think so. It means u don’t have to take the fall even though it might be your mistake altogether. All u have to do is pass the buck and let the other person take the fall. Pretty easy aint it.
What makes us do that? what makes us shy away from taking up the responsibility? Is it that we never like admitting our mistakes? Is it that our ego is too huge to let it down? Or is it that we just don’t want to look bad in front of people? Can upbringing play an important part in this attitude of ours? Do our teachers play an important part as well? Our friends, relatives everyone play a part in this.
When we were young and we used to fall off our cycles while learning people used to ridicule us, our friends laugh at us and sometimes our parent discourage us by saying you cant do anything right.
Also at home when family gets in a quarrel u will see finger pointing blame being put on each other etc. that too develops our thinking our mental state. If people who influence u cannot accept mistakes what makes them think u will. Right from an early age if u are not taught to take responsibility for your actions and acceptance of your mistakes it will lead make u point fingers having excuses for everything and so on.
Everything starts at the beginning. One has got to learn to be fearless to be able to accept their mistakes without the fear of being ridiculed. Its important cause once u grow older u will see how this affects your life, your relationships and your business. Everything and everyone around us influences us. So when u start doing things right u are influencing everything and everyone around you as well. U got the power to make someone think everyone does remember that.
Someone once told me responsibility is power. And so it is. Don’t ridicule someone cause he/she made a mistake. Rather applaud to the fact that the person admitted to the mistake which shows a strong character in itself.
Lead by example and people will follow. Take responsibility for all that u do. Cause in the end its about doing the right thing. Encourage honesty and it shall help u a great deal. According to me finger pointing is cowardly. Be honest to yourself.
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