Are we human beings control freaks? Don’t u think we like to be in charge of every situation? In case we are not in charge of something we are tentative and are little wobbly and uncomfortable. We tend to become negative in case something is not in our control. Don’t you think this negativity leads to us faltering in our task?
Why is it so that we get uncomfortable of the unknown? Why cant we be positive of the unknown and be comfortable not knowing what is going to happen? Why does the unknown scare us?
We are control freaks. We want to control everything concerning us. That is exactly why we like to pre plan things and get jittery when they don’t work out that way. It’s in our basic nature. To get uncomfortable as soon as we enter an unknown area of life or likewise. This is what makes us play a safe game. Play within our limits, sometimes we tend not to push ourselves any further thinking of the unknown freaks us out.
All of us have a talent a hidden talent. A knack of doing something different and brilliant but only a few of us use this talent. A lot of us play safe. For example join their family business when they think, they would be better of becoming an artist or a writer and so on. We are afraid to listen to our hearts and do something cause the heart works on instinct whereas the head works on calculations. That is why we prefer listening to the head cause it’s calculative and would let us know about the risks before we go for anything.
This is why a lot of us do not reach out for the dreams we have and rather keep them buried inside us and try to forget them or ignore them. A lot of us don’t fulfill our potential and don’t do what we are meant to do so.
Don’t u think at times u are in the wrong place at the wrong time for the wrong reasons. Don’t u find yourself better suited somewhere else somewhere your heart belongs.
When u die u want to stand in front of god and say I have exhausted all the talents u have given me and now I stand here as an empty soul. Just the way u would have wanted me to come to you.
Life is not about control. Life is about letting yourself free and reaching out of the limits set by you. Cause in the end limit is when u stop trying.
Think about it guys. Go into the unknown discover your soul, discover your talent. Take a risk follow your heart. Be illogical, impractical and a little impulsive like a small child.
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