Can u imagine life without a voice? Can u imagine living with only actions and no words? With a permanent translator or someone who understands your actions. We take our voice for granted u knows. We speak anything. We hurt so many people with our rude and cruel words. We don’t value our voice. We don’t value the gift of voice.
What would we do without our voice I wonder? How would we express ourselves for everyone to understand? How would one say what they feel without saying it?
It’s a shame how we don’t value our gift. We should be more careful with what we say. Cause once it is out u cannot retract your statements no matter how it might hurt someone else. But yet we don’t understand the value of our voice. Why is it so that we know we should think twice before we speak and yet we don’t? Why is it so difficult for us to be nice and polite to others?
I sometimes feel we let emotions take over us rather than us controlling them they control us. I know it’s difficult to be cool, calm and collected at all times but seriously how many of us have consciously tried to do so.
Life ain't about how much u say and don’t say, its about how much u say and how much of an impact its had on the other person. And I am talking about the good impact. Everything we do and say has an impact on other human beings. God wont ask u how much money u made or what all did u buy he will ask u what did u do for others. How many people did u hurt? How many people are happy cause of you? And how many people are not happy with u.
One word can hurt someone or can make someone smile. Can u believe the power of words? Ask someone who doesn’t have it. Don’t misuse this power cause u are blessed with it. Make someone smile make someone happy all it takes is a voice. A nice kind polite voice. How difficult is it to do that? Next time u hurl an abuse at someone think about it and tell yourself would I like to be abused? Remember one must always put themselves in the other person’s shoes to see how it feels and then act upon it.
Lets work on it together. Lets appreciate people everyday. Lets make people smile everyday. Lets make sure life is as good as u can make it for everyone around u and yourself. I will guarantee you this. Every time you do this and you will feel and will be happier. You will appreciate the power of voice. Remember everyone doesn’t have it so the ones who do please do use it wisely and for a good cause.
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