U know we often tend to forget out past. Tend to forget all the people that have influenced us. Tend to forget all the people who might have shaped us into the human beings we are. Our teachers, our parents, our brothers, sisters relatives and all alike. We never give them enough credit. Sometimes even forget what they have done for us. People ask themselves why should one want to remember the painful times I say why not isn’t that a part of ones life ones change ones personality development. Who says only the good makes u doesn’t the bad also make u the human being u are today? Its so easy to paint life as a rosy picture and not as the one u are actually living which has the good the bad and the ugly. Why do we fear facing our bad times? Is it because we don’t know how to deal with it? Or is it that we just don’t want to remember it and put it all under the carpet?
See everyone comes into our lives for a reason and they all leave u and go away. And there is a reason for that to. Its just that we don’t readily accept it. We all learn from everything. But remember this those who have come into our lives have given us a fair share of the good times to and then gone away. Some relationships leave a sour taste in your mouth. But they were sweet once upon a time as well. Nothing is all bad u know. We all have had our share of bad times. But yet we hang on to the people we want to and get rid of the rest.
Always let go of the past but don’t u ever forget it. Cause everything that u go through in the past u learn from it and grow and mature. Nothing in life is without a reason. Always remember that. Everything will be understood by us at a certain time. We are the ones in a hurry but god is not. He bides his time to show us what he wants to in order to help us live this life in the best way possible.
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