what do we know about death? Why is it so that we only talk about the person after the person is taken? Why do we say all the good things after the person is gone? Why cant we say it while he/she is alive? What keeps us from saying all the things we want to? Have u ever wondered how many of us would want to hear those things and we never get to do so?
Its kind of strange the way we treat death. Some of us must have never met the person more than 10 times in their lifetime and yet when the person dies u go there. Is it cause u wish to be there or is it cause the society calls for your presence?
U know a few days back my photographer expired. He was more of a family member to us. Was there at every function always smiled made us smile and laugh and made everyone who were camera shy into models posing for photographs. He must be in his late 30's. sometimes we say why would god take away such a jolly man out of our lives. Death comes so unexpectedly. Nobody knows when its going to come. As someone rightly said "life starts with a bang ends in a whisper". U know its impossible to understand death I know a lot of people would say Jainism has made us understand n all. But really can we ever accept not seeing a person who was with us for so many years. Today u see them laughing n joking around and tomorrow right in front of your eyes they are lying down in complete silence.
I am sorry to pick such a dark topic to talk about. Could not help it. Had to write. Need to get rid of this heaviness. Lesson learnt never take life for granted. Live each day as of it were your last. Forgive everyone cause you never know u might not get another chance to do so. Express yourself cause that's what differentiates u from other creatures. And say whatever is there in your heart don't wait for the perfect time cause by the time u think its perfect the person may not be around.
Take care
Keep smiling
Have a nice day
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