Everybody says being educated is important. I will agree to an extent but will not bet on it. Some of us are commerce graduates some are engineers some our doctors. We all are literate in some way or the other. But that’s only in literary terms. How many of us have a diploma when it comes to life?
There was this quote I read some time back this is what it said: - “literal education is of no use if it does not build up a sound character”.
So true. For u might be educated in the best universities in the most profitable field possible but what is the use if your character is not sound.
What’s the use of al those books u have read and learnt if u don’t have a character to support it? U might be the best doctor and treat people and cure their diseases but cannot treat your colleagues and your sub ordinates with respect.
You might be a very good constructor and build huge buildings and bridges and so on but cannot build very good relationships with people around you. What's the use of being a good constructor? What’s the use of learning and studying all of that and not being able build your own relationships and making the closest people around you happy.
We say education is the foremost requirement in life. I strongly disagree. It’s not about how many books did u read and how many exams did u appear and get distinction. It’s about how one leads his/her life and how many souls did he/she touch. How many people thought about them not cause of what they achieved academically but for the human beings they are.
Sometimes a uneducated human being is the most educated one. I have seen people who have barely gone to school who know more about life than people who have been studying for years. I think it’s important for us to learn about life and get a diploma in that rather than run after other certificates and diplomas.
Remember education is important but what is of paramount importance is about how you treat people and how you use your talents to affect somebody else’s life in a positive manner.