Do u remember the first steps u took? Do u remember the first time u said something? Do u remember the first time u laughed? Do u remember the beginning of everything? I guess not. But your parents do. They remember everything. They remember all the details.
Parents are like your photo album. They have every moment captured and pictured in their head and heart. U may have forgotten most of the things but they remember everything. It’s strange in a way that we seem to forget the very people who can never forget us.
Our parents must have stayed up nights when we are not feeling well. Even in the smallest of headaches they have been there and taken care of us. Without them we are nothing. They have nurtured us taken care of us and given us everything they could. They have even stayed hungry to make sure that we get enough to eat. We often discount a lot of things and seem to just forget their contribution to our life. When we are infants we want our parents to understand us when we cant speak, we want them to carry us when we cant walk, we want them to feed us when we cant eat by ourselves, we want them to put us to bed when we are scared and so on. When we become teenagers we want them to understand us and move into the modern times with us and be cool and what not. When we join the business we want them to start accepting our methods of working and all. Start making food the way we want it with our likings n all. When we have kids we want them never to scold them and tell them we want to give our kids everything and not struggle the way we have done so. We must have never struggled cause of our very own parents but we yet say that to our very own children. But the time we get old our parents are in heaven or in a very weak state and even at that time you want them to understand you and not give u a tough time and ask you too many questions n all.
I have a question for all of you…. when do we understand our parents? When do we do things for them? When do we do everything they want rather than what we want? When do we understand their viewpoints?
Ask yourself these questions…when we were young they did everything in their power to make us happy and comfortable. How many of us have tried to do that for our parents when they are old? When would u sacrifice something for your parents the way they had done so when u were young?
We worship idols and go to temples and all. But don’t u think god is here in the form of our parents. When do u worship them???????? Don’t look searching for god for he is right here with us in form of our very own parents.
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